Author: Itunu Shodayo

Itunuoluwanimi, an enthusiastic reader and writer, works as an editorial executive at Inside Success Nigeria. With a profound dedication to youth empowerment and lifestyle enhancement, she channels her passion into fostering the growth and development of young individuals. We invite you to immerse yourself in this space, where valuable insights await to accompany you on your path to success.

Procrastination is a sneaky thief of time, productivity, and peace of mind. We’ve all been there, caught in its grip, delaying tasks until the last minute. But fear not, for conquering procrastination is within your grasp! Here are 7 practical strategies to reclaim your time and boost your productivity. Break it Down into Bite Sizes...

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In today’s fast-paced world, there’s an unexpected trend emerging—a fascination with technology from yesteryears. People are increasingly drawn to the simplicity and charm of older tech, despite the advancements of the digital age. This phenomenon, known as technological nostalgia, is evident in various aspects of modern culture.  Nostalgia in Music Vinyl records, once thought obsolete, are experiencing a revival among music lovers. With their warm sound and tangible presence, vinyl records offer a nostalgic escape from the intangible nature of digital music. Nostalgic Video Games Similarly, retro-style video games, reminiscent of the pixelated graphics and simple gameplay of the past,…

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In Nigeria’s rapidly evolving job market, finding your career path can be both exhilarating and daunting. With diverse opportunities emerging across industries, it’s essential to navigate this job market strategically. Here’s a guide to help you embark on your journey with confidence. Understanding the Job Market Understanding the current job market dynamics is crucial. Nigeria boasts a robust economy with sectors ranging from finance and technology to agriculture and creative industries. Transitioning between industries is common, offering flexibility but also requiring adaptability. Assessing Your Interests and Skills Begin by introspecting your interests, passions, and strengths. Identify the skills you possess…

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On the 7th of April, a tweet by Paul Graham broke the internet. The tweet said “Someone sent me a cold email proposing a novel project. Then I noticed it used the word “delve”.” Then he explained that the point of his tweet was not that he disliked the word “delve,” although he does, but that it’s a sign that text was written by ChatGPT.  Nigerians particularly felt slighted. The comments section was filled with comments from Nigerians. Here are some comments: “Folks from certain parts of the world use certain words like “delve” in their sentences. I can tell…

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Are you looking to elevate your networking game and build lasting connections? Look no further! Dale Carnegie’s timeless classic, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is packed with practical wisdom as it offers invaluable insights into the art of building relationships and fostering meaningful connections. Here are 10 actionable tips to supercharge your networking...

Are you ready to transform your career and knowledge, and stay ahead of the pitch? Subscribe to our exclusive articles and get insider access to game-changing insights, tips, and stories that will captivate your mind and enrich your life. Don’t miss out on what everyone else is still trying to figure out. Join our community now and be the first to know!

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Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of becoming a writer? Whether you dream of penning bestselling novels, crafting captivating articles, or simply expressing your thoughts eloquently, becoming a writer is within your grasp. Writing has become one of the high demand, high paying jobs especially in this era of technology. An average...

Are you ready to transform your career and knowledge, and stay ahead of the pitch? Subscribe to our exclusive articles and get insider access to game-changing insights, tips, and stories that will captivate your mind and enrich your life. Don’t miss out on what everyone else is still trying to figure out. Join our community now and be the first to know!

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Are you feeling financially unstable and uncertain about your future? Managing money can be challenging, especially when unexpected expenses arise or income fluctuates. However, with the right budgeting tips and tools, you can regain control of your finances and work towards a more secure financial future. Let’s explore practical strategies to help you navigate financial...

Are you ready to transform your career and knowledge, and stay ahead of the pitch? Subscribe to our exclusive articles and get insider access to game-changing insights, tips, and stories that will captivate your mind and enrich your life. Don’t miss out on what everyone else is still trying to figure out. Join our community now and be the first to know!

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Gen Z’s scream “I am audacious and will not be put in a box” in whatever they do. At work, in school, in what they eat and mostly, how they dress. Generation Z has uppended the fashion scene with their distinct aesthetic and audacious demeanour. Gen Z, or people born between 1997 and the beginning of the 2010s, make about 30% of the global population. Surprisingly, Gen Z’s prefer spending on fashion than any other form of amusement. Fashion in Generation Z is fearless, outspoken, and unreserved. The younger generation is responsible for the world’s transition from idealism to realism…

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“The inspiration to embark on the solo drive came from my desire to explore the African continent, which is also my birthplace.” If you’re a travel enthusiast, the name Pelumi Nubi may have lately come to your attention. Pelumi Nubi is a well-known Nigerian travel content creator. She has won the hearts and imaginations of people all over the world with her enthralling journeys and limitless curiosity. Pelumi Nubi is known for producing entertaining and visually beautiful content about numerous areas of travel. She highlights local culture, cuisine, landmarks, and hidden gems. She frequently documents her trips with images, films,…

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Public restrooms are essential facilities, but they also pose potential health risks due to inadequate hygiene practices and sanitation standards. However, understanding the importance of maintaining health safety in public restrooms will protect individuals from exposure to harmful pathogens. HOW CAN PUBLIC RESTROOMS HARM US? Public restrooms can pose various health risks. Here are some ways in which public restrooms can harm hygiene: 1. Bacterial Contamination: Surfaces such as toilet seats, door handles, faucets, and flush handles can harbour bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria can cause infections if they come into contact with broken skin…

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