Author: Daniel Ugochukwu Okonkwor

Meet Daniel, an Editorial Executive at Inside Success Nigeria. Daniel is an avid reader and has profound proclivity for details. He has the ability to sculpt stories from the raw clay of language, crafting narratives that dance on the edge of imagination. He has enormous academic history in English Studies, Law, and Peace and Conflict Resolution. He is nothing less than something else. Thank you for letting me take you on the journey of gaiety, information, transformation through reading and much more. Most obliged!

Did you know that companies with strong Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance outperformed their counterparts by 25% over the past decade? This staggering statistic underscores the undeniable truth: practicing ESG is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic necessity in nowadays business concept. There is a growing emphasis on Environmental, Social, and...

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“Prevention is better than cure”. This timeless adage encapsulates the urgent need for proactive measures within Nollywood to address the escalating death toll among its stars. In recent months, the Nigerian film industry, famously known as Nollywood, has experienced a troubling trend: a noticeable increase in the death rate among its stars. While each loss is deeply felt by the industry and fans alike, it’s crucial to approach this issue with a balanced perspective, acknowledging both the human tragedy and the need for practical solutions. Firstly, it is essential to recognise that these deaths represent the loss of talented individuals…

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It is axiomatic that “within the pages of books, worlds unfold, dreams take flight, and minds embark on extraordinary journeys”. It suffices that among the treasures of humanity, books stand as rays of light of knowledge, wisdom, and boundless imagination.  World Book Day, observed annually on April 23rd, is a global celebration of literature, aimed at promoting the joy of reading and fostering a love for books among people of all ages. Since its inception in 1995, this cherished tradition has grown, with over 100 countries participating and millions of readers worldwide coming together to celebrate the written word. Accordingly,…

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By 2030, we will face a grim reality: a world where clean water is a luxury, if urgent action is not taken to overhaul our approach to resource management and consumption. In the relentless pursuit of sustainable development, the circular economy emerges as an indisputable axiom: where resources are cherished, waste is redefined, and regeneration...

Are you ready to transform your career and knowledge, and stay ahead of the pitch? Subscribe to our exclusive articles and get insider access to game-changing insights, tips, and stories that will captivate your mind and enrich your life. Don’t miss out on what everyone else is still trying to figure out. Join our community now and be the first to know!

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It is axiomatic that “when wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost”. Mahatma Gandhi was sangfroid when he remarked that “it is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. It is hardly likely that the above statements could not be any truer. Against this backdrop, it is imperative to state pointedly that in our pursuit of gaiety and triumph, we often undermine the health that truly matters: our health. It is not merely the arduous endeavours in the gymnasium or the stringent dietary regimens that merit attention, it is…

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There is no gainsaying that great achievements are born from relentless pursuit of excellence, inspired by the fire of dogged determination. Here, in a historic moment for our nation’s chess community, Tunde Onakoya has etched his name in the archives of history by smashing the Guinness World Record for the longest continuous chess game. Indeed, it suffices that those who dare to push boundaries often redefine the rules. With unparalleled skill and firm determination, Onakoya captivated audiences and inspired admiration as he embarked on a grueling 60-hour marathon of strategic brilliance. Accordingly, from the outset, Onakanya’s dedication to the game…

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The maxim that “politics is the art of serving the people, not the pursuit of ideological purity” could not be truer. In the sphere of politics, there exists a delicate equilibrium between ideological dogmatism and the noble call to serve the public interest. While dogmatism often leads to rigid adherence to a particular set of beliefs or principles, the call to serve transcends partisan divides and prioritises the greater good of society. In today’s polarised landscape, understanding this dichotomy is crucial for fostering effective governance and promoting unity in diversity. Dogmatism, characterised by unwavering allegiance to a specific ideology or…

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The relevance of track and field in the world of sports has become one that all and sundry recognises. Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria – emerges as an inspiration of unyielding determination and unparalleled talents, its athletes poised at the vanguard of global acclaim. Progressively, it is pertinent to state pointedly that 3 in every 10 athletes on the global stage are Nigerians. This is something else! Against the backdrop of a nation inclined in rich sporting legacy, a new chapter unfolds – one defined by the dazzling triumphs of Nigerian athletes on the international stage. Join us on a…

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