Author: Daniel Ugochukwu Okonkwor

Meet Daniel, an Editorial Executive at Inside Success Nigeria. Daniel is an avid reader and has profound proclivity for details. He has the ability to sculpt stories from the raw clay of language, crafting narratives that dance on the edge of imagination. He has enormous academic history in English Studies, Law, and Peace and Conflict Resolution. He is nothing less than something else. Thank you for letting me take you on the journey of gaiety, information, transformation through reading and much more. Most obliged!

A shocking 76% of people in the workforce believe mentorship is crucial for career success, yet a staggering 63% report never having had a mentor, according to a recent survey by LinkedIn. This glaring disparity underscores a harsh reality: despite its undeniable importance, mentorship remains an underutilised resource in the pursuit of professional growth and development. As the old axiom goes, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” Similarly, staying in the harbour of mediocrity without the guiding light of mentorship can limit one’s potential and stifle opportunities for advancement. What is…

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Did you know that by the year 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish? This is a rude shock! Yet, this alarming statistic is just the tip of the melting iceberg when it comes to our planet’s environmental crisis. As we continue down the path of unchecked consumption and waste, the...

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Actions speak louder than words” – and Finidi George’s appointment as the new head coach of the Super Eagles is a bold action taken by the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) to revitalise the team’s fortunes. With over 200 games played for the Super Eagles and 26 goals scored; Finidi George brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role, having been a key player in the team’s successes in the 1990s and early 2000s. The 51-year-old played for the Super Eagles from 1991 to 2002. As a coach, he has already tasted success, leading Enyimba FC to the NPFL…

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Suicide is a growing concern worldwide, with millions of people affected every year. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), approximately 800,000 people die by suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. Moreover, a staggering 1,4 million adults attempt suicide annually, with many more struggling with suicidal thoughts and behaviour. While the term “suicide” often conjures up images of a single, dramatic event, the reality is that many people die by suicide gradually, without even realising it. This phenomenon is known as “suicide by installments,” and it is a critical issue that demands our attention. Suicide by…

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Behind the closed doors of countless households, the maxim ‘silence is golden’ takes on a haunting reality. According to statistics, nearly 1 or 4 women worldwide experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime, with many suffering in silence to preserve social status or avoid stigma. In the shadows of this overwhelming statistic, the story of ‘She Left Him Finally’ emerges as a testament to the silent struggles endured by too many. For a long time, she suffered in silence, her social status and reputation held hostage by the very person who was supposed to love and cherish her. She kept…

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Did you know that every year, over 200,000 students in Nigeria are denied university admission due to age restrictions? The staggering statistics highlights the need to rethink our approach to academic readiness and challenge the traditional notion that age is a determining factor in a student’s ability to succeed. The recent decision by the Nigerian government to raise the minimum age for university admission to 18 years has sparked a heated debate among education stakeholders. While some argue that this move will improve the quality of education, others believe it will lead to a decline in academic standards. In this…

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In just one month, the Nigerian Naira has appreciated by a staggering 12.5% against the US dollar, with the exchange rate plummeting from N1,590 to N1,280 per Dollar! The recent uptick in the value of the Naira against major currencies has sparked interest in the economic dynamics driving this trend. An uptick, in economic terms,...

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When we consider the phrase “Old to young and young to old,” we often focus on the wisdom and experience that older generations can impart to younger ones. However, this phrase also highlights the importance of reciprocal learning, where individuals of all ages can learn from each other. Learning from Older Generations: Older individuals have...

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Unlocking the true potential of technology requires us to break free from outdated stereotypes and embrace the diversity of talent in the ICT sector. As we commemorate International Girls in ICT Day, let us recognise the undeniable truth: when girls code, the world changes. International Girls in ICT Day celebrates the courage, talent, and innovation of girls and women who dare to defy convention and pursue careers in technology. Accordingly, statistics reveal the urgency of this truth: according to the Nigerian bureau of Statistics and Financial Institutions Training Centre, approximately 22% of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduates in…

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Did you know that companies with strong Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance outperformed their counterparts by 25% over the past decade? This staggering statistic underscores the undeniable truth: practicing ESG is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic necessity in nowadays business concept. There is a growing emphasis on Environmental, Social, and...

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