Author: Daniel Ugochukwu Okonkwor

Meet Daniel, an Editorial Executive at Inside Success Nigeria. Daniel is an avid reader and has profound proclivity for details. He has the ability to sculpt stories from the raw clay of language, crafting narratives that dance on the edge of imagination. He has enormous academic history in English Studies, Law, and Peace and Conflict Resolution. He is nothing less than something else. Thank you for letting me take you on the journey of gaiety, information, transformation through reading and much more. Most obliged!

Will Arsenal FC make another instance or illustration of a prayer point?: “Every near success syndrome…” Nigerian pastors know better.   There is no gainsaying that the English Premier League is a global brand and betting companies are poised about it. Will Arsenal be another pin the in the neck of Nigerian bettors or will they amount to many destruction of tickets?  Oh, na one cut am! 70% of Nigerian bettors, lose to Arsenal’s Lacklustre.    As the Premier League season enters its final stretch, Arsenal fans are filled with hope and optimism. The Gunners have had a remarkable campaign, and…

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I do not think it is arguable to say that success in the workplace is not solely determined by individual talent but by the harmony achieved when diverse personalities collaborate in concert towards a shared vision. Alluding to the Biblical story of creation, the God figure said: “Let us…”. He understood the importance of character and collaboration for efficiency. Hence, the beckoning of other ‘bodies’ to join Him. Research from Harvard Business Review shows that teams that embrace diversity of personalities are more innovative and creative, leading to a 19% increase in revenue compared to teams with limited diversity. Flowing…

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The significance of communication in all ramifications cannot be overemphasied; little wonder the axiom: “communication is the oxygen of the society”, holds sway. The world is interconnected like never before, so, communication stands as the cornerstone of progress, understanding, and harmony. As we celebrate the impact of communication, it is imperative to view it as an opportune moment to reflect on the profound significance of communication in shaping our collective future. Accordingly, communication, in its myriad forms, serves as the force of society, galvanising it to a utopia setting. From the spoken word to the written text, from traditional media to digital platforms,…

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There is no gainsaying that within the shadows of society’s conscience lies the harrowing reality of sexual violence. As we confront the insidious presence of rape, we are faced with the fundamental question: How do we respond to the suffering of the most vulnerable among us? It is within this heat of moral reckoning that we must forge a collective commitment to dismantle the pervasive structures of power and privilege that perpetuate sexual violence, to amplify the voices of survivors, and to cultivate a culture of altruism, justice, and accountability.  The phrase “Raped or Reaped” encapsulates the harsh reality that…

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As the winds of change sweep through the financial world, one maxim stands resolute: ‘Innovation must walk hand in hand with vigilance, lest we lose sight of the horizon in the allure of new horizons’. Nigeria finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with the dual challenge of embracing innovation while safeguarding its citizens against potential risks....

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It is axiomatic that in the current of beauty, tragedy often finds its anchor.  In the same vein, in the tranquil embrace of rivers and creeks, lies a harsh reality – a somber tale of death and despair that haunts the nation’s waterways dreams.  Despite efforts to enhance safety measures, incidents continue to claim lives, raising concerns about the safety standards and regulatory enforcement governing Nigeria’s water transport sector. Flowing from the above, one of the primary contributors to fatalities on Nigeria’s waterways is the inadequate implementation of safety regulations. The lax enforcement of laws on passenger limits, vessel maintenance,…

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Cleanliness is not just a virtue; it is a fundamental duty we owe to our environment and future generations. The foregoing statement underscores the significance of recognising our responsibility towards maintaining cleanliness in our surroundings, not merely as a personal virtue but as a collective obligation to safeguard the environment and ensure the well-being of future generations. It is imperative to state that approximately 4,2 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation facilities. According to recent statistics from the World Health Organisation (WHO), over 892 million people worldwide continue to practice open defecation, perpetuating a cycle of environmental degradation…

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Previously, I deliberately crafted a digest on the “Significance of Studying Abroad: Beyond the “Japa” Phenomenon”. Today, I have deemed it fit to knit together this piece to serve as a conduit to propel and spur you into consciousness concerning studying abroad. Did you know that studying abroad continues to grow in leaps and bounds,...

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place, remarked George Bernard Shaw. The complexities of human interactions are overwhelmingly profound; where 78% of individuals admit to struggling with giving constructive feedback, communication serves as the lifeline that connects individuals, fostering understanding, collaboration, and growth. Within this concept, feedback stands...

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It is axiomatic that in the vast seas of mentorship, not all guides lead to success. Choose wisely, for the wrong mentor can sink your ship before it sets sail. According to a recent survey, nearly 70% of professionals report having difficulty finding a suitable mentor. Shockingly, 37% of mentees in corporate settings are dissatisfied...

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