Author: Daniel Ugochukwu Okonkwor

Meet Daniel, an Editorial Executive at Inside Success Nigeria. Daniel is an avid reader and has profound proclivity for details. He has the ability to sculpt stories from the raw clay of language, crafting narratives that dance on the edge of imagination. He has enormous academic history in English Studies, Law, and Peace and Conflict Resolution. He is nothing less than something else. Thank you for letting me take you on the journey of gaiety, information, transformation through reading and much more. Most obliged!

As Ecclesiastes 9:10 remarks, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might”. Eagles stars who soared abroad in the 2023/24 football season embodied themselves in the foregoing ethos. In the 2023/24 football season, several standout players from the Eagles rose to international prominence, achieving remarkable success and bringing to their various clubs coveted silverware. These stars not only showcased their exceptional skills on the foreign soil but also elevated the team’s reputation on the global stage. There is no gainsaying that while the 2022/23 season was all about Victor Osimhen guiding Napoli to their first Scudetto…

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John F. Kennedy was particular when he said that: “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future”. Against this backdrop, I make bold to say that children are the most treasured possessions on earth. Today, Nigeria celebrates Children’s Day, a special occasion dedicated to recognising the importance and rights of children across the nation. This year’s theme, “For every child, every right,” underscores the universal and indivisible rights of every child, regardless of their background or circumstances. It serves as a powerful reminder of the collective responsibility to ensure that all children enjoy their…

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On the grandest stage, talent meets opportunity through sheer determination. The foregoing statement could not be truer against the backdrop of UEFA Europa league final masterclass performance by Ademola Lookman, the Nigerian prodigy. At the iconic Aviva Stadium in Dublin, Ireland, Ademola Lookman engraved his name in the chronicle of football history as he led Atalanta to a resounding 3-0 victory over Bayer Leverkusen in the Europa League final. The Nigerian prodigy’s phenomenal performance will be remembered for generations to come, as he single-handedly dismantled the German side’s defence with his lightning-fast speed, mesmerising dribbling skills, and clinical finishing. Accordingly, from the opening…

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There is no gainsaying that marriage is more often than not, envisioned as a lifelong partnership filled with joy, love, and mutual growth, however, it can sometimes devolve into a relentless battleground. For many, the dream of a harmonious union becomes overshadowed by constant strife and unresolved conflicts. These continuous disagreements, rather than bringing resolution, act like a corrosive force, gradually eroding the foundation of the relationship. The phrase “death by a thousand arguments” aptly captures this phenomenon, illustrating how persistent discord can slowly extinguish the vitality of a marriage. The initial stages of a relationship are typically characterised by…

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The simplest maxim that comes to mind as I consider this title is: “pride comes before fall, even for the greatest of champions”. It suffices that past glory is no shield against present failures. The 2023-2024 English Premier League season will be remembered for its thrilling title race, stunning upsets, and dramatic turnarounds. However, for two of the league’s most historic and successful clubs, Chelsea and Manchester United, the season will be engraved in memory as a catastrophic collapse. From preseason title contenders to mid-table mediocrity, the blues and the red devils experienced a fall from grace that left fans…

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In football, as in life, the greatest triumphs often hinges on the most unexpected moments. Could this moment in EPL be another thesis for an 11th hour miracle, as buttressed at the verge of the red sea when Israel was saved? Are Arsenal fans hinging on instances in history to tranquilise their uncertainties? As the curtain falls on the 2023/24 English Premier League season, the stage is set for a dramatic finale that could etch itself into the annals of football history. Manchester City, leading the pack with 88 points, finds itself a mere two points ahead of Arsenal. Both…

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It is imperative to state pointedly that in the digital age, adaptability is not just a skill, it is a survival strategy. It suffices that in the ocean of innovation, those who evolve thrive. In  the 21st century – which of course is about to expire , the job market has become increasingly vast and engaging, driven by advances in technology and the digital transformation of industries. To thrive in this environment, acquiring a robust set of digital skills is no longer optional; it is essential. There are one thousand and one (1001) digital skills waiting for embrace in this age.…

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Before beginning to discuss the subject matter, it is pertinent that we understand that success in the modern workforce hinges not merely on the credentials one holds, but on the ability to continuously adapt and integrate both formal education and practical skills . The question of whether to invest time and money into a college...

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The maxim that in the quiet whispers of nature’s language, lies the wisdom that heals both the body and soul could not be truer. In African folklore and tradition, the wisdom of plants whispers through generations. From the vast savannas to the lush rainforests, Nigeria, with its rich biodiversity, harbours a treasury of botanical marvels whose healing prowess goes beyond time. Yet, in the rustle of leaves and the bloom of flowers, why do we fail to decipher the language of these silent healers? Are their voices or diction complex? Flowing from the above, in the heart of Nigeria’s healing traditions lies…

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The axiom, “where power converges, accountability diverges” holds sway in in this piece, where I invite you to ponder the delicate balance between the ideal of separation of powers and the harsh reality of power fusion. In governance, the concept of separation of powers is often hailed as a cornerstone of democracy, designed to prevent tyranny and promote accountability. However, in many contexts, including Nigeria, the lines delineating the executive, legislative, and judicial branches are blurred by a phenomenon known as power fusion. This fusion, driven by corruption and vested interests, undermines the foundational principles of governance and perpetuates a…

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