Author: Daniel Ugochukwu Okonkwor

Meet Daniel, an Editorial Executive at Inside Success Nigeria. Daniel is an avid reader and has profound proclivity for details. He has the ability to sculpt stories from the raw clay of language, crafting narratives that dance on the edge of imagination. He has enormous academic history in English Studies, Law, and Peace and Conflict Resolution. He is nothing less than something else. Thank you for letting me take you on the journey of gaiety, information, transformation through reading and much more. Most obliged!

The noise about ESG seems to overwhelm the practice, significance, and the impact thereof. The question that readily comes to mind is: Why should corporate bodies practice (holistically) ESG? We live in a dispensation where corporate responsibility surpasses profit margins, the practice of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles has emerged as a hope of...

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Has the Nigeria Congress (NLC) truly achieved victory in its strike action, or has it merely delayed the inevitable. The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) recently suspended its strike action, which was called to protest the increase in electricity rates and the absence of an agreement on a new minimum wage. The strike had the potential to bring the country to a standstill, but after a few days of protests and negotiations, the NLC announced a suspension of the strike, citing progress in talks with the government. Accordingly, the suspension of the strike has sparked intense debate and speculation. Many are…

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The kings of the earth shall reign no more, for a new star hath risen, and his name is Vinicius Junior! – Football 1:1. Could the foregoing parodic biblical verse be delivered in October 2024 during the Ballon d’Or? When the dust settles, will the name Vinicius Junior be engraved along the immortals, or will it be a fleeting whisper in the winds of football history? Accordingly, the football world is abuzz with excitement as the 2024 Ballon d’Or awards approach. The prestigious honour, bestowed upon the sport’s most exceptional talent, has been dominated by Lionel Messi for nearly a…

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How much longer can Nigeria’s economy withstand the crippling effects of strikes? What is the endgame for Nigeria’s labour unions, and is it worth the economic cost? Strikes have become a ubiquitous feature of Nigeria’s labour structure, with various unions and organisations resorting to industrial action to press home their demands. However, the economic consequences of these strikes are often glossed over, leaving many to wonder: how costly are strikes, really? The answer is stark: strikes come with a hefty price tag, one that reverberates throughout the entire economy. When workers down tools, production grinds to a halt, and the…

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Were the five of the ten virgins really unprepared or was it the late arrival of the bridegroom that had effect on them? How does habitual tardiness reflect on our professional integrity? What opportunities might we be missing while we wait for latecomers? What message do we send to our colleagues when we consistently disregard their time? Is it fair to expect excellence from a team if we cannot even meet the basic standard of being on time? Leaders take note! Corporately speaking, every individual’s actions reverberate throughout the organisation, influencing not just immediate tasks but also the broader operational…

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Real Madrid, the behemoth of European football, has once again asserted its dominance by clinching the coveted Champions League title with a resounding 2-0 victory over Borussia Dortmund at Wembley Stadium. The Spanish giants showcased their exceptional skill, tactical prowess, and firm dedication to excellence, leaving no doubt about their status as the continent’s premier team. Accordingly, from the opening whistle, Real Madrid controlled the tempo of the game, their midfield maestro Toni Kroos expertly orchestrating the attack. The German playmaker’s precision passing and clever movements left Dortmund’s defense struggling to keep up, as the Madridistas probed for openings. The…

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Contemporarily speaking, much of what we face is not so much as perplexing as how we feel about it. Today, it is easy to feel disoriented and lost. With so many competing demands on our time and attention, it is no wonder that many of us struggle to stay focused and on track. But what if we could develop a skill that would help us through complexity and achieve our goals with ease? Enter the art of orientation. Accordingly, orientation is the ability to understand and manoeuver our surroundings, both physical and metaphorical. It is the capacity to make sense…

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Should the cost of education be a debt to the society or an investment in humanity? Could it be that the greatest burden of student loan is not actually the debt itself but the limit it places on one’s potentials? To what extent should Shakespeare’s thesis: “Neither a borrower nor lender be; for loan oft...

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Has Nigeria’s identity been reduced to a mere refrain of tired lyrics of yesteryear? Are Nigerians eclipsed in nostalgia or forging the future with the old and rugged tools? Have the citizens now taken delight in the uniforms of the past that they consistently showcase their feebleness before the world? Is this change a fiscal red herring or indeed a unifying force? These and many more questions plague the minds of Nigerians as they grapple with the reality. Flowing from the above, Nigeria, which is beset by myriad economic and political challenges, has recently enacted a significant modification to its…

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place, remarked George Bernard Shaw. Forgive my obsession (as it was used before in a similar piece) with the forgoing statement. Communication stands as the cornerstone of a healthy and enduring relationship. The ability to convey thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively is crucial for avoiding the common pitfalls that many couples face. While love and commitment are essential, the absence of open communication can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and ultimately, a “death by a thousand arguments.” Therefore, this article explores the importance of open communication in marriage…

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